Taxi Rates generally fall into three categories: Meter Rate : Ours is 2.80/mile. Some companies have different meter rates based on distance. We only use a low $2.80 per mile rate. Flat Rate : Falt Rates are predetermined rates set by the cab company for certain fares. generally used for airport trips. At Aurora Taxi, we offer affordable flat rates to O'Hare airport, Midway airport, Chicago Downtown and don't forget you can negotiate a flat rate to almost any destination. Juust call us at 630-978-8294 and talk to one of our knowledgeable, friendly dispatchers. Long Distance / Out of State Rate : Don't worry. We will still charge you the same $2.80/mile even if you went to California from Aurora, IL. And don't forget you can earn a better flat rate just by calling us at 630-978-8294